Best countries to incorporate your Business

Corporate Valley
11 min readJan 23, 2021


Best Countries to incorporate your Business

Doing business overseas and developing globally is the fundamental aspect of every business. In fact, global growth is a defining point and a matrix that rates the success of any business.

To incorporate the business overseas or to relocate your existing business is quite a challenging task that requires an astute mix of proper management planning, logistical support, financial flows, precise jurisdictions, tax incentives, knowledge of marketing policies, etc.

Incorporating or registering a company overseas is one of the pivotal ways to manage worldwide commercial activities. Business setup in many countries offers excellent approach for every business firm to expand its presence across the world by optimizing its capital, manpower, technology and information.

A country that not only ranks high in terms of ease of doing business but also offers maximum tax benefits is indeed the best location for residents across the world to incorporate a Company.

What are the Best Countries to incorporate your Business?

(Criteria for each country are both objective and subjective. You must do further research if one country appears to be suitable for your business.)

1. British Virgin Islands

Minimum Setup Requirements to Register a Company

Director — 1

Shareholder — 1

Company Secretary — 1

All the above 3 roles can be appointed to one person.

Registration Timeline

There is no fixed timeline. As long as you have prepared the documentation, you’ll find it a simple and smooth process.

Steps to incorporating in the British Virgin Islands:

Reserve your Company Name

Appoint a Registered Agent

Open a bank account

Submit all relevant documents


As mentioned earlier, companies are not required legally to prepare or file any financial accounts, annual returns or records

Corporate Tax Requirements

There is no need to pay any form of taxes, except for Payroll Tax/ Real Property Tax and Stamp Duty Tax, in the BVI.

Annual General Meeting

BVI-incorporated companies are not required legally to hold an Annual General Meeting each year.

2. Hong Kong

Minimum Setup Requirements to Register a Company

Designated Representative — 1

Individual Director — 1

Shareholder — minimum 1 and maximum 50

Company Secretary — 1, must be based in Hong Kong

No minimum share capital requirement

Have a local Hong Kong registered address for the company

Registration Timeline

Around 5 to 7 days (subjected to the completion of the required documents).

Steps to incorporating in Hong Kong:

Get Companies Registry’s Approval for Your Company Name

Prepare Documents to Set Up A Hong Kong Company

Submit Application to Companies Registry


All private companies must keep and maintain proper books of account. Companies must also file annual returns specifying directors, members and the location of a registered office.

Annual General Meeting

All companies must convene its annual general meeting in respect of each financial year of the company, as opposed to every calendar year.

Annual filing

All Hong Kong-based companies are required to meet annual filing requirements with the Inland Revenue Department (IRD) and Companies Registry, once every calendar year.

3. Singapore

Minimum Setup Requirements to Register a Company

Shareholder (individual or corporate entity) — 1

Resident Director — 1

Company Secretary — 1

Initial paid-up share capital of at least S$1

A Singapore registered office address

Registration Timeline

Only 2 days (subject to the receipt of complete documents).

Steps to incorporating in Singapore

Get ACRA’s Approval for Your Company Name

Prepare Documents to Set Up A Singapore Company

Submit Application to ACRA


Singapore companies need to keep accounting books in order. And filing of annual financial statements with ACRA in XBRL format.

Annual General Meeting

Every company must convey its AGM in every calendar year and table its financial statements for the shareholder’s scrutiny.

Corporate Tax

The due dates of company tax filing are 30 November (paper-filing) and 15 December (e-filing).

Annual filing

The Companies Act requires that you perform certain annual filing processes in order to comply with the relevant commercial regulations in Singapore. The Annual Returns Filing must occur with a month of its AGM.

4. Japan

Minimum Setup Requirements to Register a Company

Representative Director — 1

Shareholder — 1

Official office address for place of business

Registration Timeline

The entire process of incorporation takes approximately 2 to 4 weeks.

Steps to incorporating in Japan

Deciding your Business Structure

Choose a Company Name and Register your Office Address

Prepare and Notarise the Articles of Association

Submit the company registration documents

Prepare Company Seals

Japan Corporate Number

Once incorporated, each Japanese company will be issued a 13-digit Corporate Number. This Corporate Number can be used for identification and application for different services.


Japanese companies can select from 4 types of accounting standards to comply with for accounting purposes. The 4 types allowed are Designated IFRS/ US GAAP/ JMIS/ J-GAAP. Accounting records must be filed each fiscal year.

Corporate Tax Requirements

The national standard corporate tax rate is at a fixed rate of 23.2%, applicable to companies with share capital exceeding JPY100 million.

Annual General Meeting

The annual general meeting needs to be held within 3 months of the end of each fiscal year.

5. United Kingdom

Minimum Setup Requirements to Register a Company

In the UK, there are 2 common types of companies — private and public companies.

For private companies, the requirements are:

Director — 1, at least 1 director must be an individual director

Shareholder — 1

For public companies, the requirements are:

Directors — 2, at least 1 director must be an individual director

Company Secretary — 1

Shareholder — 1

Registration Timeline

In the UK, the incorporation process can be done on 3 different platforms. For each platform, the timing differs.

Electronic Software Filing
The standard fee for this platform is £10 and usually takes 24 hours.

Web Services
The standard fee for this platform is £12 and usually takes 24 hours.

Paper Filing
The standard fee for this platform is £40 and usually takes 5 working days.

Steps to incorporating in United Kingdom

Submit relevant forms

Open the company bank account

Register your company for Corporation Tax


The accounting year must not be longer than 12 months and it usually follows the financial year. In the event that the accounts cover more than 12 months, you must file for 2 returns.

Corporate Tax Requirements

Once you have registered for Corporate Tax, you must keep all accounting records and prepare a Company Tax Return. The deadline to pay the tax (or to declare nothing to pay) is 9 months and 1 day after the end of the accounting period. The average corporation tax payable is 19%.

Annual General Meeting

For public companies, the AGM must be held annually within the period of 6 months beginning with the date following its accounting reference date.

6. New Zealand

Minimum Setup Requirements to Register a Company

Director -1

Shareholder — 1
*The shareholder can be the director

Official Local Office Address

Local registered agent

At least one director must reside in either New Zealand or Australia.

Registration Timeline

All other procedures must be completed and approved within 20 working days to successfully incorporate your company.

Steps to incorporating in New Zealand

Reserve a Company Name

Registering your Company

File the required Consent Forms


All New Zealand registered companies might be audited yearly. Therefore, it is advisable to keep detailed documentation of the company.

If your company is a subsidiary of a company incorporated outside of New Zealand, and the total assets of the entire company is more than NZD$20 million or have total revenue of more than NZD$10 million, you will have to file audited financial statements.

If your company has more than 25% of its voting shares held overseas, and the total assets of the entire company is more than NZD$60 million or have a total revenue of more than NZD$30 million, you will have to file audited financial statements.

Annual Return Filing

On top of tax returns and financial statements, all New Zealand incorporated companies need to submit an annual return.

Corporate Tax Requirements

All New Zealand incorporated companies are taxed on worldwide income. The current tax rate is 28%.

Annual General Meeting

The meeting must be no later than 6 months after the company’s balance date and no later than 15 months after the previous annual general meeting.

For newly incorporated companies, the annual general meeting must be held within 18 months of the first day of business.

7. Australia

Minimum Setup Requirements to Register a Company

For a proprietary company:

Director (must reside in Australia) — 1

Shareholders (crowd-sourced funded, majority must reside in Australia) — 2

For a public company:

Director (majority must reside in Australia) — 3

Company Secretary (must reside in Australia) — 1

Steps to incorporating in Australia

Decide on your business structure

Establish internal governance structure

Appointment of key officeholders

Registering your business with the ASIC

Tax registration and compliance


All transactions relating to the business’s tax and superannuation issues, as well as tax returns and reports, must be kept in the company’s records. For companies with more than AUD$10 million annual turnover

Annual General Meeting

All companies must convene its annual general meeting within 18 months of initial incorporation and subsequently, within five months of the end of every financial year.

Corporate Tax

All “small business” companies are required to pay a corporate tax rate of 27.5%, unless their annual turnover does not hit the minimum of AUD$50 million. All other companies are subjected to the full 30% on their taxable income.

Annual filing

All businesses operating in Australia must submit financial reports with ASIC and this is done usually towards the end of the financial year. Annual financial reports must be submitted for auditing as well.

8. Thailand

Minimum Setup Requirements to Register a Company

There are various business structures to consider for incorporation in Thailand.

Director Requirements:

Private Limited Company: at least 1

Public Limited Company: at least 5, with majority residing in Thailand

Nationality/Residency of Officeholders Requirements:

Private Limited Company: no requirements unless required internally

Public Limited Company: majority of directors must reside in Thailand. No requirements for shareholders

Minimum Capital Requirements:

Private Limited Company: minimum of 15 Baht

Public Limited Company: no minimum

Shareholder Requirements:

Private Limited Company: at least 3

Public Limited Company: at least 15

Registration Timeline

The entire incorporation process should take around 14 working days.

Steps to incorporating in Thailand

Reserve a Company Name

File a Memorandum of Association (MOA)

Convene a Statutory Meeting

Company Registration

Tax and Value added Tax (VAT) Registration


Company accounts must be kept at the place of business and be regularly updated. The auditing for the company must also be done by a qualified Certified Public Accountant of Thailand.

Corporate Tax Requirements

In general, the Corporate Income Tax rate is 20% for all Thai registered companies. However, for companies with paid-in capital not more than 5 million Baht at the end of the accounting year are subjected to tax rates as followed:

Annual General Meeting

The Annual General Meeting must be held within 4 months of the fiscal year end as required by law.

9. Indonesia

Minimum Setup Requirements to Register a Company

There are different forms of business entities in Indonesia, listed below are the top 2 common entities in the Indonesian business scene.

Local Company (PT PMDN)

Local Shareholders — 2

Local or Foreign Director, must have a Tax ID — 1

Local Commissioner — 1

Foreign Investment Company (PT PMA)

Local or Foreign Shareholders — 2

Local or Foreign Director — 1

Local of Foreign Commissioner — 1

Registration Timeline

The estimated process to complete registration is roughly 2–3 months and costs around IDR 2,000,000.

Steps to incorporating in Indonesia

Obtain a Company Name

Deed of Establishment

Application for the Certificate of Company Domicile

Obtain a Tax Registration Number (NPWP)

Obtain the Business Identification Number (NIB)

Apply for other relevant documents


Accounting records must be filed every fiscal year (1st January — 31st December).

Corporate Tax Requirements

The amount payable in tax is dependent on the net income that a company obtains within a fiscal year. For big companies it is around 20% while small enterprises are given a 50% tax discount rate. Additionally, there is a flat 25% tax rate on corporate income.

Annual General Meeting

Companies are usually required to hold their Annual General Meeting at least 6 months after the end of their financial year.

In addition to the above mentioned countries, here are few considered for incorporation.

10. Georgia

Georgia’s economy is considered to be one of the fastest growing economies in the whole of Eastern Europe with the agricultural sector, real-estate, and tourism and hospitality as the leading contributors to the growth of its economy.

No wonder it is called an entry gate to the Caucasus and Central Asia. If you are looking towards starting a business in

Benefits of starting your business include:

Free Industrial Zones (FIZs)

No corporate tax

No income or profit tax

0% property tax

Reduced VAT rates

Special Trade Company

Can sell and re-export foreign goods

Exempt from profit tax on income from selling and re-exporting foreign goods

International Financial Company (IFC)

Conducts business outside Georgia

Located outside any FIZ

Profit received from financial services is exempt from profit tax

The company is penalised if the income exceeds 10% of gross income

Withholding tax rate on dividends, interest, and royalties is only 5%

11. Norway

Norway has a strong economy and most communication with the government can be done digitally.

Registering a property is fast, and complying with tax laws is relatively straightforward. Resolving insolvency in Norway is also low-cost, with fees averaging 1% of the bankrupt entity’s value.

Benefits of starting your business include:

Great for digital nomads, as all communication is done digitally

Focus on tech based business

Highly skilled workers in IT, finance, design and music tech

Entrepreneurs have access to industrial expertise, investors and talent

Economic and governmental stability

Long-standing trade ties with the EU

Well-developed communication and transport infrastructures

12. Isle of Man — Zero Tax

It is legally separate from the UK and from the European Union. This gives some definite advantages to a company formed in the Isle of Man when it comes to doing business in other jurisdictions or holding investments:

Benefits of starting your business include:

Zero corporation tax rate

Sophisticated banking system

Incorporation with a single shareholder possible

Only one director required

Director mustn’t be resident of Isle of Man

Advantageous for holding investment portfolios including commercial property

Suitable for holding intellectual property

13. Denmark

Denmark is seen as one of the easy countries in Europe to incorporate a business in, and it really has some great pros going for it:

Benefits of starting your business include:

With “flexicurity” you get the most flexible hiring and firing rules in the world, reducing the costs of scaling business operations up or down.

You are able to register and finish your incorporation in days, not weeks.

There are no resident requirements for the management, including CEO and Board of Directors.

No notarial deeds.

It’s tax efficient to establish your business in Denmark compared to other Nordic countries.

Danish company law is modern and in conformity with the current EU legislation.

14. Belize

Belize is a good place for an internet entrepreneur to incorporate because:

Benefits of starting your business include:

Banks allow you to set up an account without being on site in Belize

Great for merchant accounts

Can be used for a variety of different businesses

No taxes

Low setup costs

Banks allow high-risk merchant accounts

In Conclusion:

The final responsibility ends with you. Such as

Educate yourself as much as possible on tax and company law,

Learn from other entrepreneurs who have done this before but are less biased,

Seek professional advice,

Cross reference all of this information to find the common truths, and continue to do this until you understand what you’re getting yourself into.

The truth is, there’s no best country to incorporate an online business. There’s no one size fits all solution to company registration. It comes down to your personal residence, company residence and your customers.



Corporate Valley

Corporate Valley is to help new entrepreneurs with new ideas and strategies followed by many successful entrepreneurs in the present world.